Dust: An Elysian Tail™


It is awesome to see games being made by one person. Check out this article on Dust: An Elysian Tail. I love that this was created by an animator that learned how to program during the 3.5 years that it took to make the game. I haven’t played the game yet but I am looking forward to it and will bump it up my play list to see what a one person game studio can achieve.

This also makes me wonder if it is more challenging to pick up art/animation or programming. Either of them takes a serious investment in time but I think that code is easier to copy and learn from and get feedback on if it is “good”. If I was guessing I would say that coding will become easier in the future and art will largely remain a function of time and talent. Still…more people will be interested in doing the art than in the programming so the supply and demand rules will probably still favor programming as a profession.

Regardless, I hope that more and more people play with both and I hope Dean Dodrill’s game inspires me and others to try harder. Expect a review when I do get to play it 🙂

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2 Responses to Dust: An Elysian Tail™

  1. Miles Kaech says:

    I looked it up – that game looks beautiful! It’s the kind of thing that takes a talented artistic person to make, and makes me think that artists learning to program might be easier than programmers learning to “art”.

    • jhuculak says:

      None of it is easy! That is the thing that is fun about learning the other disciplines in games and what I want to try out. Games development is the perfect digital DaVinci where every role needs a blend of technical and art in varying degrees.
      Coding a simple 2D game with Unity or XNA to help out is a small subset of the programming discipline much like the art is a small set. The AWESOMENESS is a complete project made by one person like a book is authored. I want to see more of that. It was what I liked about games in the 80s!

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